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Transnational Asia Conference

Transnational Asia Conference

Date: March 31, 2022
Time: 9 am - 5:30 pm
Location: Student Center (Oak Room) at SLCC's Taylorsville Campus
Keynote address: "The Spread of Buddhism," by Dr. Richard McBride
Transnationalism can be defined as a flow and exchange of ideas, people, religions, cultures, goods, diseases, technologies, and capital across various regions that leads to connections and conflicts across national boundaries. These flows and exchanges have always existed in human history. Traders and merchants have bought and sold goods; scholars, educators and religious leaders have spread ideas, religions, and philosophies, and sometimes people and entire communities have moved to, resettled in, or conquered new locations. Such movements and exchanges have transformed societies by altering the relationships between different population groups and sometimes disrupting the balance of power within regions.

Session 1:

  • "Creating a Japanese Christianity" (Brayden Lane)
  • "Tales of Tokyo" (Jonah Harris)
  • "Internationalizing the Lost Cause" (Makoto Hunter)
  • "Same-Sex Love in Meiji Japan" (Molly K. Rhodes)

Session 2:

  • "Helen Foster Snow" (Brady Turpin)
  • "Western Female Missionaries in China" (Cathy Flake)
  • "Sun Yat-sen: a transnational life" (Stanley Fieeiki)
  • "Adapting the Three Kingdoms" (Jackson Keys)

Session 3:

  • "Opium: the unseen threat" (Michael Green)
  • "The Failed British Mission to China" (Kiner Kwok)
  • "The Amritsar Massacre" (Eliza Whiting)

Session 1:

  • "Frank Lloyd Wright and Wabi Sabi" (Carrie Call)
  • "Gustave Le Bon in A Madman's Diary" (Chienyn Chi)
  • "Anime and bai-he man-hwa" (Derek Burns)

Session 2:

  • "The Spain in Chinese Hearts" (Morgan Rocks)
  • "Social Gospel's Social Enginerring" (Derek Burns)

Session 3:

  • "Retelling Crown Prince Sado" (Dason Han)
  • "Bengali Transnational Families" (Ghazi Rahman)
  • "Japanol: a trans-language approach" (Tanya Flores)

Session 4:

  • "Globalizing Projects' in Thailand" (Lauren Collins)
  • "Cambodian Connectoins" (Walter Jones)
Last Updated: 2/17/22