Cindi Textor
Director of Graduate Studies, Asian Studies
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Get to Know Cindi
My research takes a transnational approach to the study of Japan, particularly the Japanese empire and its legacies in the present. In addition to my primary focus on fiction by Koreans in Japan, I am interested in literature and culture from mainland Japan as well as Okinawa, the Korean peninsula, and Japanese and Korean American communities.
PhD, Asian Languages and Literature, University of Washington
Research, Publications, and Interests
- “Whose Korea is it? Reading Zainichi Literature Intersectionally.” In Routledge Companion to Korean Literature (2022), ed. Heekyoung Cho, 412–424.
- “Zainichi Writers and the Postcoloniality of Modern Korean Literature.” In Routledge Handbook of Modern Korean Literature (2020), ed. Yoon Sun Yang, 225–238.
- “Representing Radical Difference: Kim Sŏkpŏm’s Korea(n) in Japan(ese).” positions: asia critique 27, no. 3 (August 2019): 499–529.
- “Literature of the Concealed Home: Passing and Imperial Periphery in Yamanokuchi Baku’s Prose Fiction.” Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature and Culture 12 (2019): 301–333.
- “Queer(ing) Language in Yi Kwangsu’s Mujŏng: Sexuality, Nation, and Colonial Modernity.” Journal of Korean Studies 23, no. 1 (March 2018): 67–96.
- Fluent in English, Japanese.
- Reading knowledge of Korean.
Kim Korinek
Director of Asian Studies
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Get to Know Kim
My research examines the mutually transformative effects of social demographic changes, like population aging and population mobility, and individual and family level experiences of receipt of support, living arrangements, socioeconomic mobility, health care utilization, and other outcomes related to wellbeing.
Ph.D. Department of Sociology, University of Washington.
M.A. Department of Sociology, University of Washington.
B.A. Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin.
Research Interests and Publications
- Population Studies - Developing Countries
- Intergenerational Relationships
- Immigrants
- Gender Issues
- Family relationships: theory and research
- Demography
- Child or Maternal Health
- Geographical Regions of Interest: South-Eastern Asia
- Korinek, Kim and Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan. Forthcoming. "Military Service, Exposure to Trauma and Health in Older Adulthood: An Analysis of Northern Vietnamese Survivors of the Vietnam War." American Journal of Public Health.
- Loebach, Peter and Kim Korinek. 2012. "Crossing Borders, Crossing Seas: The Philippines, Gender and the Bounding of Cumulative Causation." International Migration. DOI: 10.1111/imig.12022.
- Korinek, Kim and Sureeporn Punpuing. 2012. “The Effect of Househld and Community on School Attrition: An Analysis of Thai Youth.” Comparative Education Review 56(3):474-510.
- Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan and Kim Korinek. 2012 “The Long-term Impact of War on Health and Wellbeing in Northern Vietnam: Some Glimpses from a Recent Survey.” Social Science & Medicine 74(12): 1995-2004.
- Ann Vogel and Kim Korinek. 2012. “Passing by the Girls: An Assessment of Remittance Allocation for Educational Expenditures and Social Inequality in Nepal’s Households.” International Migration Review 46(1):61-100.
- Korinek, Kim and Ken R. Smith. 2011. “Prenatal Care Utilization by Native-born and Immigrant Women in a New Destination: The Case of Utah.” Social Science & Medicine 72(10):1695-1703.
- Korinek, Kim, Zachary Zimmer, and Danan Gu. 2011. “Marital Status Transitions and Patterns of Intergenerational Co-residence among China’s Elderly.” Journal of Gerontology:Social Sciences 66B(2):260-270.
Haimanti Bhattacharya
Director of Graduate Studies, Asian Studies
envelope | phone 801-587-8350
Get to Know Haimanti
My research interests are in the fields of environment, resource & food; behavioral economics; gendered well being. A common underlying thread that ties my research topics is the challenges for the sustainability of human society - economic, social, and environmental sustainability. The primary geographic focus of my research is India.
"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn" - Benjamin Franklin
PhD, Economics, University of Arizona.
Research, Publications, and Interests
- Environment , Resource, and Food
- Behavioral Economics
- Gendered well-being Geographical
- Regions of Interest: India and Southern Asia
Environment, Resource, & Food
- Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Innes, Robert (2008) "An Empirical Exploration of the Population-Environment Nexus in India." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 90(4): 883-901. Received 'Quality of Research Discovery Award' from European Association of Agricultural Economists in 2011.
- Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Lueck, Dean (2009) "The Role of Property Rights in Determining the Environmental Quality-Income Relationship." Ecological Economics 68(10): 2511-2524.
- Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Innes, Robert (2013) "Income and the Environment in Rural India: Is There a Poverty Trap?" American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95(1): 42-69.
- Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Osgood, Daniel (2014) "Weather Index Insurance and Common Property Resources." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 43(3): 438-450.
- Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Innes, Robert (2016) "Concentration, Product Variety and Entry-for-Merger: Evidence from New Product Introductions in the U.S. Food Industry" American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98(5): 1360-1376. Media mention.
- Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2019) "Do pro-social students care more for the environment?" International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 20(4):761-783.
- Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2020) "Environmental and Socio-economic Sustainability in India: Evidence from CO2 Emission and Economic Inequality Relationship." Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 9(1): 57-76.
Behavioral Economics
- Dugar, Subhasish; Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Reiley, David (2012) "Can't Buy Me Love? A Field Experiment Exploring the Trade-off Between Income and Caste-Status in an Indian Matrimonial Market." Economic Inquiry 50(2): 534-550.
- Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Dugar, Subhasish (2012) "Status Incentives and Performance." Managerial and Decision Economics 33(7-8): 549-563.
- Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Dugar, Subhasish (2013) "Contests for Ranks: Experimental Evidence." Southern Economic Journal 79(3): 621-638.
- Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Dugar, Subhasish (2014) "Partnership Formation: The Role of Social Status." Management Science 60(5): 1130-1147.
- Dugar, Subhasish and Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2017) "Fishy Behavior: A Field Experiment on (Dis)honesty in the Marketplace." Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 67: 41-55.
- Dugar, Subhasish and Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2019) "Can concerns for social status mitigate the 'Lemons Problem'? Experimental evidence from the Indian caste hierarchy." Journal of South Asian Development 14(2): 151-179.
- Dugar, Subhasish and Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2020) "The Hidden Cost of Bargaining: Evidence from A Cheating-prone Marketplace." International Economic Review.
Gendered well-being
- Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2015) "Spousal Violence and Women's Employment in India." Feminist Economics 21(2): 30-52.
- Margaret Carlson, Akiko Kamimura, Ha Ngoc, Trinh, Wenjing Mo, Niwako Yamawaki, Haimanti Bhattacharya, Hanh Nguyen, Angie Makomenaw, Ryan Birkholz, Lenora Olson (2015) "Perceptions of Violence Against Women Among College Students in the US, Japan, India, Vietnam and China." Public Policy and Administration Research 5(11).
- Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2016) "Mass Media Exposure and Attitude towards Spousal Violence in India." Social Science Journal 53(4): 398-416.
- Akiko Kamimura, Ha Ngoc Trinh, Hanh Nguyen, Niwako Yamawaki, Haimanti Bhattacharya, Wenjing Mo, Angie Makomenaw, Lenora Olson (2016) "Bystander Attitudes to Prevent Sexual Assault: A Study of College Students in the US, Japan, India, Vietnam and China." Journal of Sex Research 53(9): 1131-1138.
- Stephens, T., Kamimura, A., Yamawaki, N., Bhattacharya, H., Mo, W., Birkholz, R., Makomenaw, A., & Olson, LM. (2016). "Rape Myth Acceptance Among College Students in the United States, Japan and India." Sage Open 6(4).
- Sharon L. Talboys, Manmeet Kaur, James VanDerslice, Lisa H. Gren, Haimanti Bhattacharya, Stephen C. Alder (2017). "What is Eve Teasing? A Mixed Methods Study of Sexual Harassment of Young Women in the Rural Indian Context." Sage Open.
- Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2008) "Inter linkages between Environmental Change and Development." Newsletter of Indian Young Professionals Network.
- Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2011) "Effects of Financial Incentives on Status-based Discrimination in a Marriage Market." Harvard College Economics Review, IV(2): 19-20.
- Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2011) "Vegetation and Development in Rural India." Ailaan, Newsletter of National Council for Rural Institutes (NCRI), India, II(VI), 27-31.
- Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2015) "India" in Encyclopedia of World Poverty, 2nd Edition, Sage Publications.
- English, fluent.
- Bengali, fluent.
- Hindi, fluent.
Bryce Garner
Associate Director, Administration
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Get to Know Bryce
Bryce graduated from the University of Utah with degrees in History and Asian Studies. After graduation, he worked in Japan for five years on the Japanese Exchange and Teaching Program. He has traveled extensively in Central America, East Asia, and Southeast Asia. He has language abilities in Vietnamese, Japanese, and Chinese. He has worked for the Center for Latin American Studies and the Asia Center since 2010.
Japanese, Vietnamese, and Chinese.
Learning a foreign language not only gives you the opportunity to communicate with people from other countries--whether you are traveling abroad or here in the US, it also gives you a deeper understanding of people and cultures that are different from your own, broadening and enriching your interaction with the world around you.
My first international experience was living in Cambodia for two years where I learned to speak Vietnamese. When I returned to college, I started studying Chinese and after two years of study I participated in a learning abroad program at Nankai University in Tianjin, China where I completed my third year of Chinese. After graduating from college, I lived and worked in Japan for five years on the JET program and learned Japanese while I lived there. Interspersed with these longer periods I traveled extensively in Central America, East Asia, and Southeast Asia.
Each of my international experiences have given me a different lens to view the world from. They have helped my career and have provided opportunities to interact with people from all over the world. Through my international experiences, I have struck up lifelong friendships that have enriched my life and made me a better person.
Bachelor of Arts, Asian Studies, University of Utah
Bachelor of Arts, History, University of Utah
Kari Moore
Academic Program Manager
Get to Know Kari
Spanish, and French but I don't remember any of it.
Language ability has been invaluable for me in my career thus far. I spent 3 years after graduation working for a nonprofit that served low-income families including a program for migrant farmworkers and would not have been able to effectively create relationships of trust and serve these families without being able to speak the language. Past my job being able to create relationships with people of different walks of life has opened my mind and heart to new perspectives that I wouldn't have gained otherwise. I also think that language gives you a new perspective on the world and on your own native language. There are a lot of words in English now that I have a better understanding of because they're used more frequently in Spanish and I have that context to use now in my native language. The beauty of learning a language is also that you're able to understand other languages to a degree that are a part of the same language family and it becomes easier to learn new languages.
I have traveled for leisure purposes to Italy, Mexico, and Peru. The bulk of my international experience took place while living in Peru as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Lima. This was an incredible experience that opened my eyes to other cultures, beliefs, and ended up shaping my decision to eventually change my major from music to Latin American Studies with a focus on nonprofit management.
I took several years of Spanish in highschool but could hardly speak the language and it was this immersive experience and the kindness of the people in Lima that finally allowed me to learn Spanish and fall absolutely in love with it and the people there.
Luciano Marzulli
K-16 Outreach Coordinator
Get to Know Luciano
Lu is a proud alum of the University of Utah and has worked in higher education since 2006. Professionally, Lu’s focus has been on advocacy and support for first generation college students and students of color. Through his outreach role in International and Area Studies, he looks forward to developing and maintaining community partnerships to continue this work. Lu enjoys street food, fiction books, comedy films and being outdoors. He is fluent in English and Spanish.
Lu es graduado de la Universidad de Utah y ha trabajado en instituciones/servicios post-secundarios desde 2006. Profesionalmente su enfoque ha sido en ayudar y apoyar estudiantes que son minorias o que son estudiantes de primera generación (los primeros en sus familias de asistir a la Universidad). A través de su papel dentro del departamento de estudios internacionales el esta entusiasmado de crear y mantener colaboraciones comunitarias para seguir apoyando estudiantes. Lu disfruta la comida de la calle, leer obras de ficcion, ver peliculas de comedia y pasar el tiempo afuera. Lu habla Inglés y Español.
Spanish, Italian, French, and Nahuatl.
I love being multi lingual. I feel like language ability has opened up worlds of understanding that didn't exist for me before. Half of my language learning has happened in adulthood and I wish I would have taken on more languages at a younger age when my brain was more adept to absorb them.
My international experience is travel based. I've made several trips to Mexico, in particular, Mexico City, Baja California, Oaxaca, and Merida. I've also visited Paris several times. All of my extended family lives abroad in Guatemala and Italy and I've also visited and traveled in those countries.
I'm grateful for the experiences I've had traveling abroad because it's a learning experience every time.
Blanca Yagüe
CLAC Coordinator
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Bio coming soon!
M.S., Amazonian Studies, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Amazonia.
Project: "Haciendo comestible la ciudad: los indígenas urbanos de Leticia y sus redes
desde la Soberanía Alimentaria"
B.S., Environmental Sciences, Universidad de Granada.
Project: “Food Sovereignty Through Urban Agriculture in Leticia, Colombian Amazon”
Amanda Jarvis
Undergraduate Advisor
M.A. in Middle East Studies (Emphasis: Persian),
University of Texas at Austin
H.B.A. in Middle East Studies (Emphasis: Persian),
University of Utah
Get to Know Amanda
Amanda Jarvis is from Utah and graduated from the University of Utah with a H.B.A. in Middle East Studies and a focus on Persian in 2015. She then attended the University of Texas at Austin and researched the role of leftist discourse Iranian-Venezuelan relations. She graduated with her M.A. in Middle East Studies from there in 2018. Since then, she has been working in different advising positions at Utah Valley University and now at the University of Utah.Canada, Mexico, and The Bahamas
Persian and Spanish
Armenian and/or Georgian
Learning another language helps you to become a better citizen of the world as well as your local communities. You’ll learn to see the world differently and understand more diverse groups. Learning another language also requires dedication and commitment which will help you in what ever fields you explore. Once you practice strategies for learning a language, you’ll likely see that quite a few subjects no longer seem so daunting. And of course, you’ll learn to laugh at yourself and realize you will make mistakes, but to keep going on.
I took a course about women in Iranian political history. It really changed the way I looked at how we write history, the sources we use, and the voices we center. I do not think any course prepared me quite as much for studying history at a graduate level.
Cindy Diaz Rey
Undergraduate Advisor
Get to Know Cindy
Cindy graduated from the University of Utah with a B.A. in Political Science, Latin American Studies, Art History, and a minor in Anthropology. During her undergraduate studies she researched environmental justice on rural and tribal communities and the politics of Indigenous identities. She is from Colombia and is very passionate about Indigenous history, art, and education.
More info soon.